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  • Writer's pictureYuko Igarashi (五十嵐夕子)


Updated: Jun 24, 2018








My inspiration and eagerness to translate Dr. Ikegawa's work brought me so many encounters of great people who has been trying to make a world a better place.

There's no way I could done this without a support from great researchers Dr. Akira Ikegawa, Dr. Neil and Elizabeth Carman, and Prof. Masayuki Ohkado. Now that I am connected with a director of the film The Promise: Prenatal Memory of Children, Mr. Norio Ogikubo and their supporting member Ms. Ai Kato in such a short period of time.

It's so great to be a part of your effort and I would like to express my deepest appreciation for everyone who has been supporting me through this process of spreading "Prenatal Memory". And I am going to always check and see if I am acting from the base of unconditional love to connect with people around the world.

I would like to include special thank you to Barbara Rivera and Dr. Neil and Elizabeth Carman.

APPPAH (The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology And Health)

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