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Writer's pictureYuko Igarashi (五十嵐夕子)

The Greatest GIFT from My Child

Updated: Nov 27, 2019

I am pretty confident that my daughter chose me for what I am capable of accomplishing during my current lifetime.

And I tell you what, she was NOT satisfied with her mother's occupation as a housewife.

She knew my potential was not only to serve 100% as her mother. And she must have believed me enough that I had a very important mission in my life.

So without verbal communication, she was trying to deliver a very important message to me. To deliver her GIFT that she carried with her prior to her birth.

She wanted her mother to get out of the house, our of her country and reach out to the world...

Because it was hurting Renee so much to see her mother being miserable. She detected her mother was so miserable being at home that she tried and tried to tell me to quit being a housewife! Her voice was loud and clear.

Even before her conception.

I happened to receive the voice from her in December 2012. In a form of drawing.

Take Me Away © Yuko Igarashi 2012

Renee was born on June 7th, 2014.

Clearly, it was way before her time in a womb. While she was still in a form of cosmic consciousness. I did not know this artwork was a message from her until one day out of the blue, she pointed at this drawing on a wall and said,

"This is me. I was saying pick me up, mommy."

Immediately I got goosebumps, which didn't go away for quite some time.

Silence filled the air, I try to compute any rational explanation. There was none.

In my mind, thoughts rushing through without an answer.


Can you come again?

The phrase refrained in my head... "This is me."

It cannot be! She wasn't HERE yet!

I have created a series of drawings as the part of my research project Creating Health: Surviving Radiation at The Evergreen State College. I had drawings just like this one to tap into my cellular information to surface through drawings by using the modality created by Dr. Natalie Rogers (daughter of Dr. Carl Rogers) Person-Centered Expressive Art Therapy techniques. Coincidentally, the soul of a little girl who is saying "Take Me Away" was my favorite piece of artwork from this entire series. I've created a short video for a final presentation for the Creating Health: Surviving Radiation.

My conclusion was quite surprising. Through a form of art, it told me not to worry too much, because radioadaptations will start in the future. That is what my body was telling me, my mind wasn't fully convinced with that answer. I am not trying to convince anyone with my conclusion so let's get back to my original story. After I heard my daughter saying the incredible short sentence "This is me" revealed her true identity. I became a firm believer that my daughter chose me prior to birth, even prior to conception to chose me as a mother who will "take her away" from the dangerous environment and the future. So you see now? I am the "Mom-on-Mission" to save my daughter and the world! My GIFT from my daughter was incredible. But you DO have a GIFT just as amazing as my story.

Did you know that YOU brought your own GIFT with you? Don't you agree it will be fantastic if you could reveal the meaning of your GIFT? The concept of Prenatal Memory does guide us all to learn about our own "blueprint" which contains crucial data to overwrite information onto our own soul. The method to rewrite information is through your personal, physical, emotional, spiritual experiences. Your emotion is letting you to EXPERIENCE your life at full throttle. From the multi-dimensional world view, there's no separation between positive or negative experiences. Some souls may think the worst thing possible, say killing someone or committing suicide seems very "exciting" emotion to experience. How does it feel to be kicked around? or to punch someone? What is it feels like to stand in front of millions of people at the center stage? May I contribute to the world if I invent technology to save the mother earth? Dr. Ikegawa talks about these incredible stories, which he carefully collected for more than 20 years. Over the years of his OB-GYN practices combining the wisdom of the "Prenatal Memory" concept, he gained the significant meaning of each individual's life by learning through children's precious memories described with such keen senses. Just by listening to children's true voice from their stories, Dr. Ikegawa found the "Prenatal Memory" in real-life application. Prenatal Memory has been mindfully resolving many cases of complicated parenting situations such as a miscarriage, a child having an ailment, or born with some physical impairments. The concept of "Prenatal Memory" will bring a happy and tranquil family relationships and peacefully unite the world. When I found out about this fact I decided to spread the concept of Prenatal Memory. It was my deep desire to translate Dr. Ikegawa and other courageous people who have been using application technique of Prenatal Memory.

....Long story short, When I shared my thoughts and plans with Dr. Akira Ikegawa and Dr. OHKADO Masayuki, the world's leading researcher on Prenatal Memory, they were very supportive of my idea. So I gathered information from well-know practitioners of Prenatal Memory and started to prepare to submit a proposal to APPPAH. I am sure that even Dr. Ikegawa himself was skeptical of this whole idea to present our lecture at APPPAH. To tell you the truth, I wasn't even sure if my proposal will be accepted by APPPAH either. The only thing certain was that I just knew in my gut and the sense of urgency that I had to spread the Prenatal Memory. It was the direction my daughter guided me.

And it happens to be this was exactly what I strive for all these years in my life... PREVIOUS: How I Became a Living Dead NEXT: Presenting Unite the World: Prenatal Memory Global Project

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2 comentários

Yuko Igarashi (五十嵐夕子)
Yuko Igarashi (五十嵐夕子)
05 de dez. de 2019

Thank you Andrea for writing your comments! You are very talented to have the ability to hear babies in the womb. I believe sensitive people like yourself are the one who can change the world. There are many Japanese women feeling the same way as you are! And THIS is what I want to tell the world... Cosmic Children are really here with us, living with us, feeling just as we are and mostly struggling to adjust life on this planet. So they chose to be with the mothers who are receptive to the idea and realm of the "Consciousness". I think the concept of Prenatal Memory is a gateway to understand our existence as a soul. Dr. Ikegawa has…


26 de nov. de 2019

Thank you. I have goosebumps reading this. Although i am trained in science (pharmacy, nutrition, functional medicine) i also have the ability to hear babies in the womb. My nieces spoke to me pre-birth and my clients babies in the womb show me what Mommy must do for her health/ emotional healing and preparation for motherhood. I feel a strong resonance to connect with you and I am unsure why. I am not known for this ability very much (because i dont know where to start explaining it!), I feel a compelling drive to help the new wave of children be born, they communicate with me in meditations and show me that they are on the way; and in the…

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